Honors Project:
The diagnosis of an anxiety disorder and coping styles during the COVID-19 pandemic
Biology and Health, Medicine, and Society
My name is Sara Moran, and I am pursuing a dual degree in Biology and Health, Medicine, and Society. I am hoping to go to osteopathic medical school in the next few years, but will first be taking a gap year where I hope to work in a clinical research setting in a children’s hospital. I am a member of Dr. Babcock’s neuroscience lab, where we look at neuromuscular junctions in fruit flies as they relate to neurodegenerative diseases, such as ALS. I am the Special Events Chair for Lehigh University Hawkathon, as well as the Treasurer for Lehigh University American Medical Student Association. I also volunteer at St. Luke’s and am a member of Lehigh’s Med Mentor program.
The Eckardt Scholars Program has provided me with opportunities to study what I am interested in without the stress of general education requirements. I have been able to pursue two degrees as well as be involved in research and numerous clubs and extracurricluars because of this program. Eckardt provides such a great sense of community, as we are able to establish connections with our cohort through academics and Eckardt events. I am truly grateful to have been a part of such an inspiring community!